I’m aware that depending on the industry answers can vary a lot but in curious since I work in the pub industry and regardless of whether I have 5 sifts or just 1 a week, every few days I’ll get asked to do an extra shift (on top of sometimes being asked to do more hours while I’m working)

I just find the rate of being asked a bit odd, especially since other staff who need their bills paid have had their hours cut and want to work more🤷‍♂️

  1. If you are efficient, pleasant and good at your job that may be why you are getting the overtime and the others are not. Not all staff are the same and managers look for the effective ones.

  2. My current employment is pretty irrelevant – we have projects and work out of hours when they “go live” etc (IT).

    However when I worked in a bar I was one of two people out of maybe 10 or 11 people who was constantly called in to cover shifts at short notice which did cause some friction with one or two of the others. There was nothing complicated about it we were able to do almost all the jobs, answered the phone when called and were amenable to working at short notice if possible.

    Managers in my experience are inherently lazy (generally not in a nasty way just self interest like most people) – they will call on people who make their life easy. If you’re generally reliable and can slot in without them having to shift rotas around etc then you’ll likely be called on.

  3. In hospitality, all the time. Especially if you’re a good worker and often say yes to extra shifts. My old work wouldn’t call me because they knew I’d say no lol

  4. As a barman happened all the time. In the last 6 month I’ve been in IT hasn’t happened once.

  5. The only way you get called is if you give people your phone number. Unless I’m being paid to be on call – and then a specific work phone is supplied – why agree to it for free ? Nobody at work has my number and I see other people get called on their supposed days off all the time / complain they got called in.

  6. Often people say they want the hours but it means “ I want the hours to suit me , not you”.

    If someone is available quite readily like yourself then you will naturally be the first person to call because the odds are you’ll do it.

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