Men with body hair – have you ever been self-conscious about your body hair? Why or why not?

  1. Nope.

    I’m a man, and men have hair.

    I do trim the hedges a bit; easier to work with one tall tree versus a jungle.

  2. I like the hair on my chest. The thick patches on my back look kinda gross, I think. It is what it is, not like I’m in any swimsuit competitions anyway.

  3. Sorta… but not really. It’s more of an annoyance that one side doesn’t match exactly to another lmao

  4. I was self conscious about having leg hair at 13. I would wear shorts. I guess I just felt different.

    Now, I like body hair. I even like it on partners.

  5. I’ve always had alot of hair I almost had a full beard in highschool but I was never self-conscious. I thought I was badass.

  6. Not really.

    Sometimes I wonder if it’s excessively limiting my dating prospects, especially since it’s not exactly the ideal body hair distribution, but the other choice is having to shave/wax/etc 50% of my body so I’ve accepted it for what it is.

  7. Not really but often times pits I would just shave to avoid underarm odor. Chest hair is fine as a man.

  8. Yes. I hit puberty very early, like 4th grade. Had hairy legs and armpits when i was 10 years old. My parents brought unnecessary attention to it. I did not like wearing sleeveless shirts from 4th grade to 7th grade when other guys started to catch up.

    I have a love hate relationship with my body hair now. For the most part I like it. I’m black and hairy black men are not that common. I wish we were more common though. I don’t like feeling like I’m the hairy guy. If i took a family trip to the beach, i am easily hairiest out of all of my male relatives.

  9. I was as a teenager because I had more body hair than most guys my age but I’ve long since made peace with it.

  10. All mammals have body hair all over their skin. Even female humans.

    What’s there to be self-conscious about?

  11. Yes, when I was younger I was very self-conscious about it. Puberty hit me like several tons of bricks, and it really bothered me. I was gangly and skinny and awkward, and now HAIRY? It felt like s nightmare.

    Honestly, it took time. It took time to get more comfortable with my own body and realizing it’s just natural and normal, because it’s hard to think that when you’re 18 with a hairy chest and shoulders as well as in the “normal” places. Also, women telling me they liked fuzzy guys didn’t hurt.

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