This can be any kind of bird, including ones that are wild and can’t or shouldn’t be tamed, as well as pre-historic birds that don’t exist anymore.

  1. A pigeon. They’re domesticated, not parrots (parrots are scary), and they come in cool colors.

  2. Ohh, my kingdom for a raven or a crow. I know they’re pretty different in terms of…like…most things about them, but I would love to have some sort of glossy black bird (possibly, as in the case of a raven, a fuck-off-huge glossy black bird) who likes me.

    In real life I’d never in a million years want to have either of those as a pet, but since we’re dreaming big, here I am.

    I’m not sure anyone is untouched by the deep-seated desire to have a gorgeous black bird “adopt” you as someone they like and start bringing you little treasures.


    In the real world, I’d love to set up a coop or some other living situation for pigeons.

  3. Maybe some kind of bird of prey? I’m actually terrified of birds so I’d hate to have one inside – that’s the worst. But going to a large sanctuary where I can see my eagle or osprey or whatever cruising the thermals or falling on some unsuspecting rabbit? That’d be alright.

  4. I was just saying to myself I need to feed some crows to have a murder. That would be awesome.

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