For context, this guy and i are friends. He in the past seemed to like me. When we reconnected recently, i could somewhat relate to the grief he was going through and i had been messaging him for support/ comfort during bad times. He had plans to go back to my city but due to the pay, he did not push thru.

Now, all he does is like my stories and posts. He goes through a period of inactivity like 2 weeks just like me and when i post, he likes then does something on his account like post as well or change his profile picture. I’ve noticed this multiple times so im not imagining it lol. It seems as if when I post, he has the energy to post his own as well lol or have an activity.

Any ideas as to why he’s being so subtle haha or does he prefer to just be low key.

1 comment
  1. He could be looking to you for inspiration since you said y’all helped each other through grief, sees your doing well, likes the post, thinks ok I should post something to keep being happy like she is. Or imitation is the greatest for of flattery, sees you changed your profile so quick I’ll change mine and see if she likes it since I like hers. Or he likes the attention and memories of y’all talking and to keep those emotions alive likes your social media and creates activity for you to like to bring him the spark of you liking his stuff. Those are my thoughts.

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