Fellow gay men, what’s something you wish the rest of the world could know about you?

  1. It’s a struggle being attracted to a man’s body, but also simultaneously wanting that body for yourself.

  2. That I’m not about Beyoncé nor butt sex.
    Not every gay guy is. We’re a very diverse group.

  3. Effeminacy has nothing to do with sexuality. There’s plenty of masculine gay men who blend into society and feminine straight men who have been conditioned to act masculine in public.

  4. I don’t want to out myself or have sex be my identifying trait at work. I don’t want to talk about my preference for having sex with men just because my company wants to showcase gays for their pride events.

  5. That most of are versatile than being top or bottom so don’t ask preference question plus you should not ask it anyway if you not plaining to being sexually involved with the person.

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