Like I am in med school now I am on my second year and in the beginning I gained quite a lot of friends and then after i got my bf people became distant everybody gave me fake smiles and avoided me . But they were very curious about me and my bf . Fast forward to second year , everyone is avoiding me less I dont know if it’s me being used to this now or that they have stopped avoiding me but yes the fake smiles they are always there but recently a girl became openly hostile with me , I greeted her and she completely ignored me , she kept on ignoring me for weeks and then when we came face to face because of ” situations” she blurted out an awkward joke to keep the awkward silence behind . I mean why? What did I ever do? This girl told my roommate ( she is friends with my roommate , like good friends) that I am very conservative I don’t mix with anyone I keep to myself , I will marry someone from my religion and stuff like that. My roommate said” but you and I are dating people from our mother religion as well…” But she went on saying ” nooo she is a bit too much ” like wtf? I keep to myself because their actions keep on hurting me. Like idk why I am hated so much.

1 comment
  1. Ask the people that I feel don’t like you. Then make up Ur mind if U give a fuck

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