I am young man studying and working partime. and I want to do bouldering and Boxing. I just quit my gym membership for I am tired of people wasting my time due to many reasons and that gym culture is just hyper-fixated on making gym their entire personality.


I just want to learn to box and climb and find time to do both and I wonder if any one of you are doing the same?

  1. Studying and working part times give you flexibility but at the expense of routine. Find out if you;re a mornig person or night person and decide if you want to wake up early or go to bed late. If a night owl see if there’s a 24hour gym nearby, I find that most of the narcasistic self worshipers have done their reps and headed home to their kale long before 2am, which is my peak time.

  2. I work early, I drink after if it’s Monday or Friday. Maybe a third day during the week if it’s particularly stressful. Then I go home and eat, maybe play a game or fuck around online till dinner, then sleep for work the next day.

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