There’s this guy I was interested in and I saw him following this one girl and he was liking every single selfie she posted, so I was a little jealous and upset and I was watching her story. The first few times I blocked her after because I didn’t want her to see I was watching her story. Then a day ago I watched her story again and I didn’t block her after because I was just like whatever I didn’t think anything would happen. Then just now this girl starts following me on her hair account…. And I was like fuck 😶 are you kidding me. I don’t know what to do now. I feel really nervous and am freaking have a bad feeling about this. I don’t want to be ‘friends’ with her, idk what to do about this. I feel like if I block her it will be really obvious.

1 comment
  1. Block her anyways, you don’t need to explain yourself. If you want cover send a message asking if you know them and after a couple minute just say you aren’t comfortable with them following and you wish them the best. That’s all.

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