Men of Reddit, what is your number one gentleman rule?

  1. when going out with friends/family and your wife/gf is with you – never mock your wife/gf or otherwise make her feel small.

  2. Respect is the bottom line in every interaction & type of relationship. Fail this at your own expense.

  3. when it’s night time and people are asleep. always pee on the side of the bowl so it makes less noise

  4. If someone offers to buy you food, choose the smaller size option, unless they tell you to get what you normally get.

  5. Always keep your drink in your left hand.
    No one likes a cold wet handshake, not a great first impression.

  6. Having their back/defending their name, especially when they’re not around. Goes for any type of relationship

  7. Don’t punch a man (if it can be avoided) in front of his wife or kids, especially the kids.

  8. Talk up your friends to other people behind their back. Only say nice things about what you actually appreciate about them. You’d be amazed at the results.

  9. Don’t let insane women change who I am. Learn from the crazy and move on. Continue to be kind to women who deserve it.

  10. Don’t really know if it is a gentleman rule, bro code, or just a religious education, but if a woman is committed to another, she is a no go for me. I have been cheated on before and I will not make another man go through what I had to go through. I would not wish that on my worst enemy.

  11. Don’t add fuel to a metaphorical fire, be the peace and calm people need when life is becoming overwhelming

  12. When someone is speaking to you, make an effort to listen instead of waiting to speak. There’s a difference.

  13. You don’t need to always have an opinion. Letting other people have the spotlight (even encouraging it , by making questions etc.) it’s another method of interaction.

    Everyone has something interesting going on. Listen.

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