At first, it was a clean break up due to long distance, and we completely stopped talking to each other.

A few weeks later, I reconnected with him in a platonic way, and we both agreed that it would be heartbreaking if either one of us got into another relationship. About 2 days later he “accidentally” texted me instead of another girl saying that she left something in his tote bag.

Then, he proceeded to act obnoxious and cold towards me, denying that this was anything but an accident, followed up by the statement that he fell in love with her after one date.

I was crying to my sister on facetime about the fact that most likely the tote bag in question was the one that I gifted to him, and how now it was being used to hold another girl’s belongings. My sister, being upset, sent a text to my ex saying that he should return the tote bag or she would text his new girlfriend.

He responded with ugly threats aimed towards my family, and alluded to exposing family secrets that would damage our family dynamic. They were ridiculous things to say, especially since he mentioned that he had been “collecting leverage” all throughout our relationship, as he had been expecting this moment.

This came as a shock to me, as our relationship up until now had been amazing and my parents had treated him like their own son.

Once I came back to my home country for Christmas, I met up with him to get my tote bag back, and also to ask for closure, to which he responded that he had not come to prolong the contact, but only to hand me my bag. Important thing to note, I was crying and he was smiling. He then proceeded to tell me that he’s going on a vacation to Italy with his new girlfriend.

After that interaction, he unfollowed me on instagram. I still have him on my close friends list, and he has not missed one single story of mine, which would mean that he visits my profile every day to see if i have posted anything.

TLDR; ex broke up with me and threatened to expose family secrets because of his new girlfriend , but now watches all of my close friends instagram stories without even following me.

Could I get some advice on what this behavior could possibly mean ?

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