
This post might be a little lengthy, but I need genuine advice on whether or not you think this guy likes me or not (and if so, what I should do about it).

I (M 25) am pretty fit and live a healthy lifestyle. To supplement that, I recently started taking group exercise classes for the first time and fell in love with it. One day, a couple months ago, the instructor told us to introduce ourselves to the person next to us. I introduced myself to the guy next to me (M 25) that I had seen in class a couple times. We really didn’t say much outside of the basic, friendly introduction. However, I did notice him looking at me quite a bit. When I left the gym after class, I decided to walk over and shake his hand again to say nice to meet you (not flirtatiously, just being courteous and trying to meet new people). He seemed caught off guard and looked deep in my eyes and said the same. It was almost as if I felt something from him.

When I left, I didn’t think much of it. However, thinking he was cute (because he was), I decided to find him on social media. After a lot of digging, I finally found his account, but decided not to follow him since he had a private account and didn’t seem active. Besides, I thought it might be a little weird, since we didn’t know each other well.

Then, in the middle of the night, he followed me.

I’m not gonna lie, this was a little surprising to me. But after I followed him back, I noticed that he doesn’t follow many people and really only looks at fitness-related content and some LGBTQ+ related things in our community. I wouldn’t describe him as a recluse, but he also doesn’t seem super social or flashy.

Since then, we haven’t talked much. However, he watches everything I post and we still see each other in class pretty regularly. He is constantly looking at me, but when I catch him, he immediately looks away. Funny thing is, whenever we are in a group conversation, he never looks me in the eye and seems to pretend I am not there.

He is pretty shy and definitely not the loudest guy in the room. But I’m getting so many mixed signals from him. First, he was talkative and followed me online. Next, he’s staring at me, yet avoiding me when we are in a group. Regardless, I still get somewhat “interested” vibes from him.

Any thoughts? Advice?

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