What have you regretted the most in your life?

  1. Wasting years of my life with shitty girlfriends. But I never realized they were shitty until years after the fact because people told me it was my fault. Took a few months of therapy to realize that I was not the shitty one.

  2. Doesn’t matter what shit you have done. Everyone has regret something at some point. What
    really matters is that you made up for it by becoming the best version of yourself.

    Negative Self-sabotaging posts like this is what keeps them in the dark

  3. Being afraid.

    Afraid of:

    – What others think
    – Confrontation
    – Taking risks
    – Rejection
    – Ending/leaving bad relationships, “friendships”, etc.

    It can go on, but I have found that once I got into my late twenties, I needed to change a lot from what my parents instilled in me when I was younger. They always ran from problems, played victim and liked to blame.

    They aren’t terrible people but it made becoming a secure, positive man a lot more difficult.

  4. Cheating on Kat. She didn’t deserve it and I’m still paying for it today. I hope she’s happy where she is.

  5. Not so much as “regret” as LEARNED (regret is such a wasted emotion).

    I have LEARNED to take advantage of every opportunity (because I squandered some very good ones earlier in my life).

    I have LEARNED to treasure the relationship I have with my wife (because I was marred before and lived in misery).

    I have LEARNED to better balance my work / life routines (because I was WAY OUT of equilibrium in my 20s).

    I have LEARNED to treasure my friendships (because I have found out how fleeting life really is).

  6. Being a doormat and not standing up for myself when I was younger. I reached the point where I stopped eventually, but I wish I reached it earlier.

  7. As what Morgan Freeman said in movie se7en, not making children. I know I made the right decision, world being what it is, but not a day goes by I wish I didnā€™t.

  8. Wasting my high school years fucking about instead of investing in the schoolā€™s curriculum my parents worked their asses off for to make sure I had access to.

  9. I’m ready for the hate it may bring, but cheating instead of having a hard conversation about my relationship. I knew I wasn’t happy in the relationship and that lead me to cheat, which lead to a horrible 6-year relationship. Granted I’ve learned a lot since then (18 then 32 now), but I never feel like I can’t outrun that regret.

  10. Being an unmotivated introvert. I’m pretty sure I’ve missed out on a lot of opportunities because it was just easier for me to stay at home and take the path of least resistance.

  11. If I knew at 22 what I know now, I would have tried to find a low paying job in some sort of sales industry with a lot of growth potential. I do pretty well for myself but Iā€™ll never be independently wealthy. If youā€™re younger you are more likely able to take a super low salary after you are used to living like a poor college kid and can learn from someone else while you take your lumps. I guess itā€™s not a real regret cus I donā€™t have a specific case of passing something up, but jut something I wish I knew.

  12. My father died suddenly when I was 19-years old, my biggest regret was never telling him ā€œI loved himā€. It wasnā€™t because I didnā€™t love him, it was not something boys did in my family. My biggest regret. A mistake Iā€™ve never made again.

    Iā€™ve been so fortunate to have two great sons, I broke the stigma in my family of males saying ā€œI love youā€ they know.

  13. A girl I was interested in
    Asked me if I was interested in her

    I was

    I said no
    She looked stumped like it was the wrong answer
    I feel like my life could have gone in a differnt direction from that specific point

  14. not being there with my dad as he was dying in the hospital. The day before his last surgery, I went to visit him with the best intentions of spending the whole day with him, but an hour later, I felt I had better things to do. He kissed him on the cheek, and he held my hand tight. Not wanting to let go, and I told him not to worry, I’ll be back next week. He knew already that he wasn’t going to make it out of surgery and just wanted to spend time with his son.

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