So my best friend at school is very good looking, very popular and has a lot of money. I don’t have any of that. She really enjoys my company. All her other friends are very good looking and wealthy. Is it still wrong for me to be her friend?

  1. no, if she likes you and is your friend she obviously doesn’t see a problem or care about your presumable differences

  2. She’s your friend because she values your good qualities. Take pride in that. Its okay to be friends with people who are the opposite of you. Dont overthink it champ.

  3. As a short answer, I would agree with others and not overthink it.

    As a slightly longer answer, I’ll maybe channel my barely-similar experience of being the only person in my grad student circle to own a car for a while.

    – I couldn’t care less about the fact that you don’t have a car if I like hanging out with you.
    – There’ll obviously be certain advantages to being my friend – I’ll pick you up and drop you home if we’re going somewhere, unless it’s terribly inconvenient. You can occasionally borrow my car if you can handle it. I’m happy to do that, enjoy!
    – I would appreciate you not acting entitled about it. Like I don’t want you thanking me all the time either, and obviously I don’t expect you to reciprocate, but some gratitude would be nice.
    – I would hate to feel that you’re friends with me for the perks.

    That might be the “standard expectation” folks have in situations where something is asymmetric.

  4. True friendship goes beyond material things and social status. Friends will come and go, and true friends will stay. Keep your chin up and be the best “you”!

  5. Just continue being yourself. Obviously your friend sees something special in that you don’t being that you lack those mutual traits. Just keep being you and don’t compare.

  6. I hate how you think. To be a good friend you both need to give to each other. Ask yourself what does the other person want? Clearly, it isn’t money or fame. She already has it. So she likes my company. How else can I improve my time with her? Being nice seems like a good start, sharing things? Or maybe you could support her. Now, what do you want from her?
    Do you want to be her friend? How would you like her to treat you? How far are you from this ideal friendship?
    You asked a bad question, I gave you a better one

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