My husband and I are celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary today!

  1. I met my husband in university when I was 19yo and he was 20yo. We’ve been together for over 12 years and married for 9years. The two biggest fights we’ve had was when to have kids (he was doing his PhD at the time and we weren’t that financially stable) and the second big fight was over a silly desk that was so old and heavy that I didn’t like – yeah that was a stupid one where I was definitely in the wrong haha.

    Not everyday is all sunshine and roses but almost everyday is and when it does rain on our parade, I’m glad I have him by my side to get through it all.

    I love him with all my heart. We got married at the zoo and reception at a vineyard. It was an amazing day filled with love, laughter and the typical lovey-dovey stuff.

    We’re getting takeaway tonight but I’ve set this up (with the help of our kids) to surprise him! The kids are eating in the living room tonight so we can – to quote Bluey – have a “romantic smoochy kiss” kind of dinner.

    I’m incredibly lucky to have my beautiful and happy family!

  2. Congratulations! You’ve come a long way. May the journey keep you both young and in love!

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