Tl;dr- Ex broke up with me cause of easily solvable issues but “didn’t think we could work on it”, a week later begged me to hate him, said he was “throwing my good qualities away” and kissed me not long after, but still wanted to break up. Months later I have a boyfriend and ex tries to apologise for how he was with me but makes comments about how he “couldn’t handle having someone accept everything about him”, “I made him feel human” and commenting that my boyfriend looks like him (he doesn’t) stormed off and told me to forget he ever existed. Very confused and weirded out.

So we broke up cause he didn’t think we spoke/texted enough compared to his mates despite seeing each other nearly every day, and he didn’t think we could work on it. We weren’t together long but I was pretty good to him in the relationship, would look after him whenever he was sick (which was a lot) and sit with him/talk if he was feeling depressed, and he made out he was in love with me within a week of dating. However after the breakup, besides him getting drunk, “begging me to hate him” cause he “threw someone with such great qualities away” and kissing me when I wanted to know why he didn’t want to work on things, he’s seemed completely unbothered, and his friends told me he wasn’t over his ex before me so there’s that.

Months later I’ve got a boyfriend and my ex wants to talk to me to “apologise” for how he was after the breakup. But starts going on about he “couldn’t handle having someone who excepted everything about him” and “I made him feel human”, then saying how my current boyfriend “looks like him” (he doesn’t besides having a beard). Other stuff was said but I can’t really remember it. He put his hand on my knee and I moved it, we argued and he said to “just pretend he never existed” and stormed off.

Basically I was weirded out and left more confused than I was after the breakup. I know he’s my ex and I shouldn’t be bothered but he messed with my head for a while, I just wish I could figure out what was going on with him?

  1. It sounds like best to stick with what you have and walk away from the X and don’t look back

  2. >he “couldn’t handle having someone accept everything about him”, “I made him feel human”

    He’s def at least a budding serial killer. You’re better off

  3. You need to end contact with him.

    This man is going through his own shit, and it’s not actually about you at all. He keeps casting you in weird roles in his own head, and changing the script on you. You’ll never get a clear answer to what is going on, because he keeps changing the plot and doesn’t have a clue himself. He’s just gonna keep getting pissed that you’re not following the script that he just made up on the spot and refuses to tell you about!

    What you can do, is walk off stage and away from his little drama. Do that.

  4. Sounds like he explicitly told you he has mental health issues. He needs therapy, not a relationship, and you got caught in his mental health mess. You’re confused, because it’s not based on sense or a healthy world view. Just stay away from him.

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