Women, what did you usually do in high school?

  1. Played lots of TTRPGs, mostly Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire Dark Ages and Warhammer Fantasy 2nd edition.

    My main reason to be at school every day.

  2. I’m confused on what exactly is being asked here…..

    When I was in high school, I went to my classes and listened to the lectures.

  3. Play sims, listen to metal music, browse pictures of fairies, watch LOTR over and over, think of my crush, write on my diary, chat with my friends on IRC

  4. Went to class, hung out with friends, read a lot, liked to draw, danced, dated, partied, went to games, went to concerts, the usual high school in the 80s stuff.

  5. Stay up way too late, rp (age appropriate) on forums, play video games, self harm, theater, cheerleading, eat a lot of garbage, drink vinegar all the time, totally legally watch movies online. Wish my boobs were bigger, hang out in graveyards, daydream about the pretty girls and penises (not guys just their genitals). Spend most of my time in my room.

  6. Aside of class (and sometimes during class,) I drew. Sometimes big drawings. Sometimes quick sketches. Sometimes itty-bitty detailed drawings in the margins of my papers.

  7. Watched TV, read books, was on the swim team…but honestly use AIM to talk to my friends a lot.

  8. School was boring at that age. Went to class and did what every other h.s student did.

    I always wanted to do sports but it was expensive.

  9. From what I remember, I was high a lot, I was late a lot and honestly sometimes left half way through, I exercised a lot, didn’t really eat or sleep. Honestly it was probably the worst time of my life

  10. I was the stereotypical Asian nerd girl, I played a lot of video games, watched a lot of anime, wore cringey video game and anime clothing, wore big framed glasses

    Got made fun of a lot but ended up having a lot of good friends, overall high school was enjoyable for me.

  11. Broke school dresscode, slept after dinner, listened to music with my Sister and watched F1

  12. I played in a band, and I tried to stay away from home as much as possible. So I would hang out at the youth centre a lot, the library and stay at my friend’s place. I also spent a lot of time on chat forums and looking up pictures of dudes I though was hot. Last year og high school we partied a lot. I was really nerdy though, like I was not cool at all.

  13. For fun? Eat random drugs, save my lunch money so I could afford bus/train tickets to travel states away and meet friends from MySpace in real life, a lot of ultimate frisbee, take the bus into Boston to smoke cigars at the Roxbury Crossing T stop and chat with random houseless people, lots of DIY photoshoots in my room with full backdrops I’d sew out of sheets and ANTM inspired makeup, my Mum signed me out of school for a week freshman year so I could go to NYC and eat mushrooms, walking to a coffee shop in my hometown and writing for hours was a daily after school occurrence – anything to avoid being home, really

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