Hi there,

Basically my father is asking for about £300 to pay rent because he hasnt paid it and has had a court letter stating if he doesn’t pay he will get kicked out (i havent seen the letter im just paraphrasing).
I technically live with him but i stay at my partners as i am her carer along side work so im either at work or at hers helping her.

If it wasnt often i would give him the money but every month around this time of the month he asks for money, he doesnt have a job, keeps saying he has jobs lined up, the jobs get “delayed”

After october i stopped giving him money because i may get good pay but i spend a lot of travel, about 500 to 600 miles a week driving for work i have to cover.

My bills have been paid for this month, got food to get for me and my partner for just over a week, got diesel to get for the same period, i have £150 left in my bank at the moment which is just enough for that.

Any advice on what i should do i would really appreciate, i dont want to go into overdrafts and take on more dept as I want to be better financially. Mid 2022 i finally paid off my university overdraft after being fully used for the span of 3 years.

Thanks again in advance

tl;dr dad keeps asking for money that I don’t immediately have on hand and will put me back in dept

  1. I wouldn’t give him any money, and frankly you don’t have any to give. He’s going to have a problem staying there if he won’t work so he can pay the rent. But he knows that.

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