I’m American, and recently I’ve started looking at foreign McDonald’s menus for fun, and I was surprised when I looked at Czechia’s menu to find that they have beer on the menu. The menu I looked at only had one brand and I’m sure it’s probably on the cheaper sides, but we don’t do this in America because we have drive through’s and if someone orders a beer for themselves in the drive through and started drinking in the car, that would be a liability.

So I ask you this, does your country do this too, or is Czechia the only one that does this?

(EDIT: Thanks for changing the flair, I didn’t even see the Food flair)

(EDIT 2: I stand corrected. It’s not cheap beer, it’s actually pretty expensive as far as Czech beer goes. That’s wild to me.)

  1. They don’t. They probably want to keep the image of being a family restaurant.

    Edit: They did and more and more franchise owners decide against it. It wouldn’t be in line with the child friendly image, demand is low because you can get beer in many other places, and they can save money by not needing a license to serve alcohol. Some franchise owners think it’s not moral to serve alcohol at a drive through. Even if they serve beer they won’t put it on the menu.

  2. Here in Belgium beer is for sale everywhere. Including in McDonald, gas stations, etc.

    Same price as water generally.

    I’m trying to think of a place where you could buy a soda but not a beer and kind of come up empty.

  3. > I’m sure it’s probably on the cheaper sides,

    no, you are wrong, they are serving pilsner urquell which is on the expensive side of non craft beer.

    We also have drive through, passengers exists.

  4. You can in Portugal. I’ve very rarely seen anyone order one though. But in some other chains, like Portvgália, H3, and Bifanas de Vendas Novas it’s more common.

  5. Yes, but only at the airport McDonalds in Stockholm. The other ones don’t have a license to sell beer stronger than 2,1%.

  6. No i don’t think they serve alcoholic drinks in McDonald’s here, at least not in my area

  7. Interestingly enough, they don’t say it on their website. But I’m sure they serve, or at least they used to serve, beer in McD in Italy, I even ordered it once.

    Assuming it didn’t change recently, maybe it’s available only in certain locations, and this is why they don’t mention it on the website. McD is a franchise and every restaurant is legally a separate business entity that needs a separate alcohol license.

  8. Yup McDonald’s in Italy do serve beer. All the fast food chains carry beer. McDonald’s has Heineken and moretti..

  9. Yeah pretty much every McDonald’s sells beer in Italy as well. In the drive thrus too. There are people who are stupid enough to drink and drive, but you know, people here don’t order a beer if they wanna get wasted.

  10. Neither McDonalds, Burger King, KFC or Dominos has beer on the menu (I just checked).

    I think the main reasons would be that they need a permit, which is not ***that*** hard to get, and maybe their image as “family restaurants” and that there’s not really much tradition or demand for beer in those places.

    You can however go into any supermarket and buy a bottle of beer at 50 cents and drink it in the street while enjoying your big mac, if that’s what you fancy.

  11. In a place which was McDonald’s few month ago they dont serve beer.

    In Burger king just near it they serve a lot of kinds of beer, even in packs with fried chicken.

    A license to serve alcohol cost money and makes some trouble to handle, so its just not optimal to buy it for every cafe or McDonald’s-like restaurant

  12. >we don’t do this in America because we have drive through’s and if someone orders a beer for themselves in the drive through and started drinking in the car, that would be a liability.

    Not sure about this, aren’t there drive through liquor stores in the US? Also passengers may want a beer, it isn’t on the vendor to check any of this stuff, just serve it. I just don’t think it fits culturally, it is the same in the UK. Fast food is soft drinks. Basically everywhere else serves alcohol though.

  13. AFAIK, beer at McDonald’s isn’t a thing here, at least in the area of my country where I live. Maybe there are some who serve beer, but if they exist it’s not a common thing.

  14. We also have beer in Germany. Or at least we had since I didn’t go there for ages now. But 10-20 years ago, I always ordered beer even with Mc Menues. Because you got a bottle and no Sirup soda which I always disliked.

  15. I do think so, at least a decade ago. Not frequenting them all too often, so it might have changed. Back then they had 0.33 small bottles of a national brand.

  16. I see you haven’t seen *Pulp Fiction*, have you.

    > You can walk into a movie theater in Amsterdam and buy a beer. And I don’t mean no paper cup, I’m talking about a glass of beer. And in Paris, you can buy beer at McDonald’s.

  17. No, they didn’t. But the new McDonald’s knockoff does afaik. Though I may be mistaken, I’ve been there only once.

    Burger King and KFC do serve beer, though.

  18. In Croatia they are serving beer for years,but I havel rarely seen anyone order it.Well nothing pairs so well like Mcdonalds meal and cold coke.

  19. No, you need a license for that, to sell alcohol. Cafe’s and restaurants have that, but they also need to verify that they don’t sell alcohol to minors. I think that if McDonalds Netherlands wanted it, they could apply for such a license, and get it, but I’m guessing they don’t want all the hassle to comes with it, plus it might go against their image as a family/youth-friendly place.

  20. Czech person here-the beer is not cheap. It’s arguably the best non-craft beer you can get.

  21. In Poland they don’t. You won’t find beer at McDonald’s in Poland. You could like 20 years ago, but nowadays – nope. The same goes for KFC. You can order beer tho at Pizza Hut, but it’s more like a restaurant than a fast food.

  22. Malta serves our all our local Cisk in Mconalds’ and it goes perfectly with McDonalds’ food.

  23. Yes Romania. I think they used to sell Tuborg.
    Been to Spain last summer and they also had beer.

  24. I don’t think they offer beer in Croatia. Bit I might be wrong since I don’t drink beer so it’s not like I was looking for it.

  25. We have drive thrus in Europe too you know… In France tons of McDonald’s have drive thrus, and they sell beer.

    I highly doubt that’s the reason why they don’t sell beer in the US. It’s probably more of an alcohol license thing.

  26. I don’t see it at the menu.

    That said, I see no reason why a drive-through couldn’t sell beer. You can also buy beer in a supermarket and then drive home all by yourself. Purchasing alcohol before you drive does not equal driving under the influence. It can be for passengers or for later.

  27. Romania: Yes, we had beer. Quite a few brands and shapes. Or, wait, was that actually KFC? Anyway, I think you can find beer in both fast-food chains. Not sure about drive throughs though, since I’ve never tried. I remember one restaurant (although it might have been KFC) having their own cheap piss beer they would sell in normal soft-drinks cups and then they would also sell separately beer cans or bottles

  28. By the way the beer that is sold there is Pilsner which is basically the most well known and very often drinked in restsurants

  29. We used to have beer in McD’s, but it got removed from the menu a few years ago. Don’t know the reason, but they did offer only a small beer of medium quality, which I haven’t seen anyone order, ever.

    Maybe they removed it because it wasn’t popular.. which is strange, because beer is almost as popular as wine, and wine is very popular. Wine is not available either. Perhaps it’s the setting of a fast food restaurant, where you go to quickly eat something and leave, that made it unappealing for beer drinking. You can’t chug a beer fast, or you can but it’s not enjoyable. Beer is for relaxation, to hangout with friends, etc. McDonald’s is not a place for that.. Or maybe there was some weird new law, that they couldn’t comply with.

  30. When I travel to Europe from the US, I always go to MCdonalds in each country to see how different the menu is. It’s also about the only place to get a soda that actually has ice- in most of Europe it’s a little difficult to get any sort of drink with the amount of ice we are used to

  31. Thanks god, no

    I used to work at McDonald’s 20 years ago, when I was student. And not serving beer would avoid to have the alcohol customers. We already had enough to deal with drug addicts wanting to use the bathroom

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