I met this guy in college. We became friends because he invited me to have lunch with him. Since then we did this whenever we could and we chatted almost daily on the phone (though mostly study related).

Winter breaks then came in and he never texted me. I broke the silence and invited him to hang out together and he agreed (it’s actually hard to say no bc he mentioned it first during college), we had great fun. But after that it was silence again. I tried to text him again, but he didn’t seem to interested in talking and the conversation died very soon.

I feel like I’m just his void filler because I think the reason he would hang out with me is I’m his only close friend in college. But during holiday, he got back to his own friends, gf, family, and suddenly I’m nothing. My issue is – he never reached out to me for once during the break. I’m tired and feel like if I text him it’s a bother to him.

Am I being too needy? Should I continue this friendship when the college starts again?

1 comment
  1. This is just my take but if i were you i would have dropped this “friendship” with him already, bc for me i just need recirprocity.
    Imo dont feel needy, you expect sth very reasonable, if he doesnt want to give it move on.

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