I have posted previously when i was on my second date

So I’ve been talking to this guy for 2 weeks , saw him 3 times 2 of which were dates last time was about 10 days ago because he works out of the country .
He said he’s been trying to reach me since last may but I hadn’t accepted his friend request.

we talk on the phone almost daily and last night he sent me a song and told me this is from him to me and the song basically says he is in love , he also keeps asking for us to FaceTime, but i like to take it slow a bit meaning phone calls now and later on we can FaceTime.

My question is , is it possible he’s already in love? Or is it lust or attraction?
He talks about everything as us , and tries to work out how we can make it work .

I can’t lie and say any other bad thing , he is genuinely a fun nice person, he was honest from the beginning that he wanted a relationship .
And I do appreciate his care and compliments, and how he verbalizes what he feels .

In fact I stopped talking to guys before just because they didn’t make it clear why we are talking or weren’t commented I feel.

But at the same time I don’t know if it’s stemming from doubting myself like how could he be so invested and convinced in me already.
Or is it feeling of guilt? Like i can’t deny I felt attraction towards him as well but i never allow myself to accept immediate feelings and act upon them.
I always like to give myself a chance to rationalize whatever I feel.

Also I don’t want to be getting manipulated in one way or another, as in being love bombed .

I have rarely been unable to decide or read a situation, but this time i am .

  1. Do you feel good about the conversations or do you feel it’s rushed and to invested?

    What does your gut say?

    It sounds really desperate when he really can’t know you well enough in such a short time. His goal should be getting you know you better. As should yours for him.

    Additionally, you shouldn’t need to ‘make it work’. It should already work without issue. Why would you choose a relationship with problems. It’s a bad idea.

  2. You don’t really even know each other. You’re long distance due to his work. He’s not in love with you. Right now it’s just lust. Do you really want to be in a long distance relationship? If not, end it. It’s been only two weeks and he’s having problems trying to work out spending time with you in person.

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