I went on 3 dates with an amazing man that I had met on CMB (we hit it off so well that we already slept together on the first date and he wanted me to stay over) and he planned all the dates and would text me back very quickly and shower me with compliments and a lot of eagerness. Every time we hung out he would want to be intimate at least 4 times. Fast forward to our last hangout and I definitely felt a shift. We had a night in, and we spent all of Saturday and Sunday together. Saturday night we drank alot of wine together and I got in the mood this time and decided to take a little bit more of the lead in bed but he couldn’t even finish that time. He asked me what show I wanted to watch and me having no idea what to pick, I stupidly picked fleabag as if I’ve already seen it before (having no idea and totally forgetting what the first episode would be like) and oh my god it was so embarrassing watching the first few minutes of it because him and I had slept together right away on our first date and it was because I was really into him and it went great but the episode basically focused on how that woman from Fleabag saw first date sex as a meaningless act and totally degraded the whole thing for a woman (please find episode 1 opening scene of fleabag on YouTube and you will see exactly what I mean!) then as if it couldn’t get worse I decided to switch it to the movie Crybaby and well I regretted picking that too all it centered in and focused on was Johnny Depps physical appearance for the first part of the movie. Then it gets worse and I fell asleep and seemed to spill wine in his bed (the next morning we discovered I must have finished the glass cause there were no wine stains on the blanket thankfully) and whereas before he would cuddle and hold me every second of the night, this time he didn’t touch me at all even when I tried to get near him. Also, he saw my car in the light that day for the first time and I’m pretty sure he saw the key marks across my car and the stolen hubcaps (I didn’t live in a good area before and so my two front hubcaps were stolen and as for the keys it’s because I had a crazy ex before that got mad when I tried to break up with him, but of course I didn’t mention any of this to my date guy cause well why would I even want to bring up old dirty laundry… but it’s so embarrassing that he sees my car in that condition). Then the next day on Sunday we laid around for the day watching sports which is fine with me cause I enjoy time with him but at around night he said it would be raining and he didn’t want me to drive in the rain so that it might be better for me to head out before it rains. However we still lagged it cause I wanted to spend time with him a bit longer and then I did leave and let him know I’d be going to one of my girlfriends house (rather than going straight home since she had invited me for a girls night in which did end up being very nice). By the time I left it was already raining and when I got to her house I let him know I was there safe and how I really enjoyed spending time with him again. Usually he will answer in a timely fashion and be equally enthusiastic and express interest in seeing each other again or at least some sort of positive response about having seen me. But this time he didn’t respond until like 24 hours later and didn’t even comment on that part and just commented on the photo of the dogs at my girlfriends place that I had sent him. He then talked about his long day at work and about what he had for the offices big lunch and then I commented on that and so also sent him pics of what me and my girlfriends had had and talked about what we had which was a bunch of delicious stuff. Well that was about over 24 hours ago and he has not responded since at all and today is the very first day he has gone an entire day without texting me at all. I also saw that he was active in CMB in the last 72 hours (I have no idea if he was prior to that cause I barely just got that feature to be able to even see that). So yea. I don’t know what’s going on . But I am feeling pretty sad about this and um yea I need some help 🙁

1 comment
  1. There are way too many details and too much information here. Too many things are happening, I don’t think we need all this information, but it might be a sign you might be overthinking this… Just keep being yourself and maybe talk to him, just ask him or share whats in your mind.

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