Guys I meet often brag a lot on the first date, which is a huge turn off for me. I guess they are trying to impress me showing how capable, successful, intelligent or educated they are, but they just seem insecure in my eyes and looking for compliments. Are they narcissistic or simply insecure? Should I give this type of men a chance and will they brag forever (which I really dislike so much, that I never went to more than two dates with a guy who brags a lot. Maybe there’s more beneath the ego-boasting surface of them, what do you think?)

  1. Bragging is often a sign of insecurity, I’ve personally done this when I was younger and outgrew it. I realized that I’m secure in my own skin and my own life. A date shouldn’t be a job interview or a place to talk about how “amazing” you are.

  2. Idk but just reading this you sound boring so they probably have nothing to talk to you about and just start talking about things they’ve done to keep the conversation flowing

  3. Narcissism is the deepest kind of insecurity so, either or both?

    Dudes that boast a lot aren’t my cup of tea either. I can’t stand people who boast about money and assets or who name drop (unless it’s in a funny way). A guy literally opened his wallet and showed me how much money he had in there once. He was the worst!

    Just a thought though, in regards to bragging about intelligence and education, are they definitely bragging? Or just trying to be interesting on a first date because they’re nervous and trying to make an impression?

    Perhaps try and engage them in interesting conversation on topics other than themselves, and see how they go?

  4. People that are good don’t need to tell other people . Why ? Because people will tell them if they are .

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