For some reason whenever my gf has oral orgasms she gets really emotional afterwards. Like she’ll start crying, go in for quick/violent hugs, aggressively make out with me, and/or keep saying things like “thank you” or “I love you” over and over again. If it’s a solo act then she’ll be clingy the rest of the day lol. She only does this with oral orgasms mostly. She said they feel better and are more intense so maybe that’s why but I’ve never had anyone break down crying after an orgasm of any kind before I started dating her. Is this a trauma response or something or is this just how some girls react to getting head?

  1. She likely has never had anyone care enough to take the time to slow down and focus only on her and making her orgasm without expecting anything immediately in return, possibly a trauma response but i’m certainly no expert

  2. Yes. My girlfriend also gets either very emotional where she will have nervous hugs or break into tears after climaxing. It’s really random because sometimes it’s completely fine and she will be ready for round 2 immediately after, and other times she has a very emotional reaction. As of this day, we both haven’t really been able to figure out why it happens. She always says that orgasming always feels good but that it can be a lot sometimes and is a little intimidating. We are both each others’ firsts and so there’s no past sexual trauma as far as past partners or experiences, so the working theory that I believe is that orgasming which is something rather new to her, can be a little scary because of the flood of emotions and feelings it brings. Also, depending on her current mind state (ex. She’s nervous someone will walk in, had a long day, was really turned on, etc.) different emotional reactions will occur. I’ve found that sometimes as we are doing stuff and building up to her climaxing, I will reassure her that I love her and that I’m right there to make sure she’s safe. This’ll sometimes help her reaction to be less emotional/scared and more happy/relaxed since I think she’s always just had a little bit of anxiety around pleasuring herself or sexual stuff in general.

    Idk tho I can’t speak to your situation exactly, but it sounds like your partner may be going through a similar sort of anxiety relating to climaxing or possibly just oral specifically. Maybe oral makes them feel really shy or embarrassed and that could mean that when they climax, those anxious emotions are released. I would just ask them if the feelings they get from it are overwhelming sometimes and ask what you can do to help if you can. At the end of the day all you can do is be there for your partner and just communicate as to what you can do to make eachother feel as safe and comfortable as possible when doing something like oral that can often make you feel a lil vulnerable.
    Hope this helped! I understand it can feel kinda shitty because you obviously want your partner to have a positive reaction every time you give them oral, and I’m sure they don’t want you to feel bad or nervous about giving it in the future if they react that way. But everyone is different and reacts to stuff differently and that’s perfectly fine!

  3. “Why does my girlfriend like it when I make her feel good?” Sometimes I’d like to have other people’s problems…

  4. Receiving oral is one of the most intimate things to get as a woman. And when it’s from someone you love who also cares for you and shows you that, emotions can come up and be a bit overwhelming.
    So could very well be something perfectly normal.
    But I suggest you talk to her about if she ever went through something traumatic on this part because it could also very well be a trauma response.

  5. Emotional and either affectionate or libidinous or both? Yeah, several different partners.

    Crying? Not been a thing yet.

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