*Using fake names.*

I’ve (29F) known Daniel (29M) for 18 years. We started high school together, but we were never best friends, or even good friends. We were in between acquaintance/friendship. This is in part due to Daniel’s mental disabilities (aspergers, depression, social anxiety) which meant that he spent a lot of time out of ordinary school, and eventually moved to a different school when we were around 13YO. I wouldn’t see or talk to him again until he joined the same college I was studying at when I was 17YO.

The problem with our relationship is that Daniel has always considered it to be more than it actually was (I imagine because of his disabilities), so when he reappeared in the college he expected us to take off from where we’d left and he didn’t understand why I was guarded. Don’t get me wrong, I was friendly with him but I’d moved on and simply wasn’t interested in maintaining an unstable acquaintance/friendship at that time in my life due to my own struggles with mental health (which are still occurring). When I left the college (2015), he added me on social media and we’d speak for a short while until his pattern of disappearing for large chunks of time resurfaced due to his mental disabilities. He also started lying to me to try and engage me in conversation which never ended well when he tried it.

This carried on every six months or so, where he’d be in contact for a few weeks then vanish, and carried on until early 2020 when he demanded that I stop talking to my childhood best friend after they’d had an argument. I refused and he went MIA again for two years (which was also partly due to his mental disabilities).

I heard from him again at the end of February last year, and I made it clear that I would stop talking to him if he A) didn’t accept that I wouldn’t cut contact with my best friend (he accepted that), and B) kept lying to me (he didn’t accept that). The conversation carried on for a week before he vanished again, resurfacing in November last year when he promptly lied to my face again. For context, he’d claimed he’d got his SCUBA cert from the same organisation I have it from, but then told me he had bad thalassophobia when I was discussing my experiences. Speaking as someone who teaches that curriculum, it would be impossible for his to gain the full cert with bad thalassophobia as it requires several hours worth of open water diving experience. I called him out on this. Told him that I was teaching the exact cert he claimed to have, and when he realised he couldn’t pull the wool over my eyes he back tracked and said “oh, well, I have the theory done”.

I didn’t respond to his messages after that, until three days ago when he inboxed me saying “Decom, we need to talk when you have a spare moment.” I didn’t respond for a few hours until I had the spare time. He saw me confirming that I had the spare time to talk but then left me on read for two days. Fine, whatever. He messaged me today stating “sorry I can’t talk today I’m ill” and which point I responded “you should know that my patience is limited and I’m very close to blocking you”. His response was “block me then because I’ve had enough of you”. So I did block him.

I was discussing this situation with another friend who told me I may have been a bit too brash and wasn’t taking his mental disabilities in to account. So I’m now wondering I’ve if just done the knee-jerk option of rejecting the issue instead of trying to fix it. Does anyone have any advice? I’m not particularly clued up on aspergers and how that may effect someone’s perception of things but I do have personal experience with depression and social anxiety and that’s no excuse to lie and string people along.

1 comment
  1. You gave him chance after chance. Is he getting proper help for his mental illness ?

    If not, then you can’t be expected to put up with it for ever, especially as he never was a good friend only an acquaintance.

    He probably wouldn’t have listened if you’d been “nice” or gentle with him.

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