How much does your job care about tattoos, and what is your job? And how many do you have?

  1. I edit videos. Most of the people I do work for don’t know what I look like. Used to work with competition horses for many years and I don’t think anyone ever made a comment on my tattoos, like, not even asking about them out of curiosity.

    I have 9 tattoos.

  2. I work in environmental compliance and corporate sustainability for a very large international tech and entertainment company.

    They literally could care less about my tattoos *unless* I need to make a trip to the head quarters in which there are some cultural nuances but my tattoos are easily covered with a long sleeve top.

    I have 9 tattoos of mostly botanical motifs.

  3. I am a stockbroker and they don’t care. Full sleeves and chest, a lot of leg coverage. Lots of us are heavily tattooed. Although I prefer to dress a little more conservative, there is no need or requirement for me to cover.

  4. I work as a barista, got 4 tattoos (only half are visible), and no one in my job cares about them.

    My coworker has tatted to hell (at least 20 from what I can tell) and no one bats an eye.

  5. So long as they aren’t offensive my boss doesn’t care. I’m a funeral director. I have 6 so far with many plans of more

  6. I work remotely for a logistics company. So they really don’t care because we don’t interact with customers in office.

    But I also don’t have tattoos either

  7. My job doesn’t care about tattoos that can be covered by clothing and that aren’t vulgar, hateful, or obscene. I would imagine they would look less favorably at face/neck tattoos, but I don’t know that they’ve ever had anyone apply who had those. Might be ok for a non-client-facing position, but it wouldn’t be ok for someone like me who interacts with clients and prospects regularly. I work as a research design resource and client liaison for a tech company that deals with qualitative and quantitative research systems and design for our clients.

    I have 2 tattoos, both on my back where they are easily hidden under normal clothing, so it’s never been an issue for me. I’m pretty sure that multiple of the developers on staff have tattoos, but I haven’t paid that much attention to remember offhand which ones or where their tattoos are. I think I’ve probably seen them on their arms when they are in short sleeves, but that’s about it.

  8. “As long as it’s not obscene, racist, or will otherwise cause loss of business we don’t care.”

    I am an electrician- I have 3 and am planning my 4th.

  9. I work for a credit union. The employee handbook says we can’t have any visible tattoos (so, you have to wear clothing over any that you have).

    I don’t have any tattoos.

  10. I work some of the time as Helmsman in the yachting industry. Most of the people I work for insist on a very clean cut look, so that means no tats. Both I and the sailing clientele are in swimwear, so I can pretty much guarantee that they don’t have them either.

    The other position I have is tax representation. I appear in court before a judge who may or may not be affected by them. I’ve never seen anyone in court with visible tattoo

  11. I’m a hotel food server and they don’t give a damn about tattoos, all of mine are unintentionally cat related- two fairy cats, a blue tiger, two ghost cats

  12. I work for one of the big banks in the financial crime department.

    They don’t care at all. 1 only have one but have a few more planned.

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