I (male) have this girl i like and about a week ago, we got new classes and i now go in the same class as her. We joke with eachother and stuff but i think she kinda likes me because when she looks at me we get this deep eyecontact and shes absolutely gorgeus and i dont know what to do! Im not friends with her friends so its difficult talking with her at school because shes aleays with them. She probably doesnt like me but we have spoken everyday since the new classes, and i hope there is a chance. My idea for a next step is to just go and ask her about something like the “choose one superpower” question or something idk. Sorry just had to speak my mind 🙂

  1. “Hey, wanna grab a burger after class?”

    Keep it light and simple. Don’t overthink it. Go for being friends first – don’t act all weird and lovey-dovey – but make your intentions clear. If she agrees and you do, ask her out. Like, “wanna go on a date”-kinda question.

  2. First of all stop overthinking it, the more you get into your own head and start building the imaginary relationship the harder it will be to ask her out (cause the fantasy will be at risk).

    Next are you guys in high school or college? If you are in college how about asking her for a coffee after the class you have together? Will give you an opportunity to talk one on one and see if there’s some interest there.

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