Met this girl on hinge. She’s beautiful and we hit it off right away was calling texting most of the time we could. I arranged a date and she agreed to go and said she was excited, I paid for the tickets and then today she suddenly blocked me with 0 explanation or 0 hints at all… I was very excited to see her and I thought we was getting on great. Why did she do this? What a waste of time and money..

  1. We won’t know.

    Maybe she got cold feet. Maybe she hit it off with someone else. Maybe she likes wasting people’s time and money. Maybe she was on there to cheat and got caught. Maybe her finger slipped.

    We won’t know.

  2. I’m not going to pretend I know what happened.

    I’d just suggest that, next time, begin with something low-stakes on the first encounter, like coffee, or dinner.

    Certainly nothing involving expensive, non-refundable tickets, lest this kind of thing happen again.

  3. Bro low risk, low cost first dates. I’m pretty confident she got cold feet being casual for a first date is better when doing OLD.

    Tickets I’m assuming it was a concert or maybe a comedy club? That’s a way bigger commitment than a cup of coffee and maybe a walk. Next time keep it casual and 0 pressure especially.

  4. Coffee date or something cheap for the first date bro. Art Museum, ice cream, a walk through a park or a garden. Don’t be spending loads of money on a stranger.

  5. Honestly most likely was cold feet and she just anxious and didn’t know how to communicate. Obv you can never know but that sucks sorry

  6. When you say you were very excited to see, was this perhaps coming through a bit too much in your texts that cold have perhaps scared her off? Sometimes we don’t mean to, but we can come across as a bit too keen which can put a girl off. Alternatively, she might have just had a change of heart and didn’t know how to tell you.

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