You’re married and you magically get the opportunity sleep with your celebrity hall pass.. what do you do?

  1. My wife’s sister has 86 followers on Twitter so probably her. She’s kind of a big deal on Twitter. 86 followers isn’t easy to come by.

  2. As much as the fantasy idea would be hot as fuck I couldn’t do that to my wife. I wouldn’t be able to look at her the same again if I ravaged another woman that wasn’t her.

    Fantasy me is using it on scar jo btw 🙃🙃🙃

  3. Nothing, even if I had a celebrity that I wanted to sleep with, I doubt I’m her type.

    I’ll go back to where my bed is definitely warm!

  4. Don’t cheat.

    Because if I took her up on that I would most likely have to be willing to give her one in the future. I don’t want that to I wouldn’t go through with it.

  5. Let’s see, one night of sex with someone that may or may not be in to you and it will lead to months if not years of relationship stress…… I am very satisfied in the bedroom and really don’t care to mess any of that up, I love my wife

  6. I stay faithful to my wife. No fantasy sex is worth disappointing her, making her think less of me, and wrecking our marriage. Period.

  7. Make sure it’s the same person as my SO’s hall pass and have a wild ass threesome.

    40 years later…

    “Hey sweetie remember that time we raw dogged Channing Tatum?”

  8. A few years ago I believed that the ideal situation for a man is a one sided open relationship. Where I get hall passes but she doesn’t. But the next best thing is to both be exclusive.

    Now as I’ve grown, I realized that new pussy gets old. New pussy doesn’t make you your favorite dish on Thursdays. New pussy isn’t there for you in life’s toughest moments. I’d rather not exercise my hall pass and stay loyal to my hypothetical wife.

    [if I had one](×0/filters:no_upscale()/

  9. My wife already knows. If Mila Kunis shows up at my house and asks to have my babies she has 3 choices.

    Join in,
    Or leave.

    She accepted those terms. Likewise, if Chris Hemsworth shows up and asks to smash my wife, I’ll invite him in, give him a high 5, offer him a beer, and ask what time I should come back. It’s a fair trade off.

  10. Geez. A lot of people’s wives must have acces to their reddit accounts. Btw. My wife would be totally cool with it.

  11. I keep saying my hall pass is Daniel Craig, but I’m not actually attracted to men so I would probably just cower in the corner.

  12. i dont have one of those because my SO knows im crazy enough to find a way

    she doesnt get one either because i dont want to be devastated when she easily beats me to it

  13. My wife and I both worked in Hollywood production and development for awhile. Hall passes were never an issue. Lots of these dream women aren’t what you might expect. Besides, if my wife could resist some of the hunks she worked close with, I know she’s for me.

  14. Pass on my celebrity hall pass. I wouldn’t want to disappoint them because then I’d feel bad, especially if I saw them doing a crying scene in a movie or show, because I’d feel like they’re crying because they remember how bad the sex was and it makes them really cry.

  15. Before I get married, this is a topic my SO and I will have to discuss.

    If they get a chance to get in bed with a famous actor/actress, I don’t want to be in their way. We will have a list or a discussion of who qualifies or doesn’t.

    Otherwise outside of those who don’t qualify there will be a price, like in How I met your Mother.

    If I had a chance to sleep with Emma Watson, 100% whether the wife agrees or doesn’t , taking the train from pound town to Orgasm city.

    Edit: Phrasing

  16. I’m almost 60, what’s a celebrity hall pass /s

    Seriously though, all of those ladies are 60+ and Farrah has passed (RIP). Do the ladies of Reddit count?

  17. Na, it’s not even about my partner, but myself. If i fail for this temptation, i will carry this failure my whole life (as i’ve never cheat on my partner).

    It’s in moments like those when our values are under test, when you decide to live as you must or die as a weak man without a will strong enough to live seeking justice and truth!

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