Is it just time to let it completely go???

Warning this is long. My significant other (M43) and I (F37) had been together for 12 years when I finally got up the strength to leave him. During those 12 years he put me through hell and back. He cheated multiple times, he would leave and not come home for days and days without so much of a phone call and the endless lies he would tell to me, when time got tough he always left me to deal with issues on my own and during those 12 years he wouldn’t hold down a job longer than 3 days.I was just as much to blame for his behavior as he was because I allowed him to treat me that way for so long. We do share a son together.

I finally decided I’d had enough and left him. I started dating someone else and moved to another town 150 miles away. At first he would call me begging and crying to take him back I refused after some time passed he accepted that we were no longer together. We figured out how to co-parent our son and I have to say we did an excellent job at it. We never argued or said mean things to each other or put each other down. He’s a great father to our son. And our son adores him.

fast forward a year and I ended up ending my relationship with the person I was dating and moved back to town. My ex and I became friends again and got along better than ever. So we chose to give our relationship another try. Fast forward to present day and I find my self unhappy again. He has made some remarkable changes for the better. He no longer leaves for days, he’s been completely faithful he is currently employed and has been for the last 9 months.

My issue is he shows no interest in me sexually, when I try to talk to him about how I’m feeling he completely ignores me and if he does respond it’s with “whatever” when he’s home he does nothing but watch netflix or porn. He won’t help me around the house with anything even if I ask him to he will say yeah in a min and then never does it. He seems to have no sympathy for me at all. I often times wonder if I should just shove how I fill down or just throw in the towel. I don’t know what to do any thoughts ?

TL;DR? Am I being to petty or am I justified if how I’m feeling? Boyfriend won’t help with anything.

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