Be your true self. Express your true personality. Stop putting on an act. Stop acting different in front of different people. Why not just have the same character around everyone? Take off your mask. Be genuine. Be authentic.

You act different because you care what other people think. You want to be liked. You want to be validated. You don’t want to be JUDGED. So you play it cool, you play it safe and you just allow yourself to accept living this miserable, unfulfilled, underachieving life.

We all have only one life. When you are old and on your deathbed, do you want to look back and life with regret? Do you just wished you did more? Well, that will be you if you don’t get out of your head now and start living.

Look, we all didn’t care about the world and what others thought about us at one point. When you ask? It was when you were a child. For example, when you were 6, you probably didn’t think of all the negative things you thought about now. You see children on the train with their parents blurting out random stuff, doing stupid things, and you see babies staring at strangers dead in the eye, but you wouldn’t do that now. You think it’s weird. You think it’s dumb. You make up these thoughts in your head.

Why? It’s because we’ve all been socially conditioned to think and act this way. When you were young and you did something bad, your parents or your teacher would have likely called you out and punished you for it. Therefore, you believed it wasn’t acceptable to do certain things, so you stop. And as we grow up, we become more and more socially conditioned, and for a lot of us, this has fucked us over so bad that we come to a point where we feel miserable with our lives and in particular, our social lives.

  1. What makes you think that’s easy or feasable ?

    We live in fear because decades of conditioning, learning, wrong doing…

    Stop making it look like it is easy.

  2. Yes, that is the goal. I don’t meet many who don’t want that, but you’re glazing over what it takes to reach a point where you can go out and be genuine. This just looks like “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” in long form.

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