Edit: Okay I’m really glad this just means he had a really good orgasm. I’m such an over thinker and have a habit of looking at the ‘what ifs’. I knew it was normal but something I havent had alot of experience with happening. Probably shouldn’t have used the word exaggerated that was alittle to much tbh. But thanks for everyone helping me realize the obvious haha. Also I like to add that he was probably drained – we were at it for SEVERAL hours. And it may have been more then just his legs shaking tbh.

So I’m curious if im over thinking about this and dont get me wrong its not a big deal but in the back of my head I keep wondering.

I (f23) hookup with this guy (m26) I was seeing and it went really well. If im being honest he reminded me of Owen Grey in bed. Iykyk. Anyway we end up having sex twice and it was amazing, all of it from start to finish. I was laying on my stomach with my butt lifted a little with him behind me going at it. When he finished he made some noises (completely normal and I love it) but then his legs started to shake alot. I’ve never had someones legs shake like that once they finished. Like it felt like it went on forever. I knew he finished because the condom was very full btw. And please dont take this as me complaining im just curious as to the leg shaking. And I don’t doubt this is something that can happen like my legs shake when I cum from oral. It’s probably like the same reaction right? He didn’t do that the first time but we were in a different position. He told me he usually doesnt finish twice in one night. It just wasnt something ive ever experienced before and it just makes me wonder a bit. Does that just mean he had a really good orgasm the second time around? He did tell me I had the best pussy hes ever had so im hoping it was just because it was really good. Again not complaining just curious!!!(:

  1. My legs shake like crazy with slow buildup orgasms – especially from receiving oral. I’m not sure what he would have to gain by faking shaky legs.

  2. For me:

    A good orgasm – no leg shaking

    A REALLY good orgasm – leg shaking

    A REALLY REALLY REALLY good orgasm – whole body shaking

  3. Leg shaking is a thing that can happen, it’s not easy to exaggerate or fake it on purpose even if one had any reason to.

    You’re basically temporarily overloading his lower spine from the goodness of it all, so grats on that!

  4. Yep, sounds just like he was having a really really good time! During an orgasm multiple muscles in the body will contract, from legs to buttcheeks to clenching hands and more.

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