How tf do I swallow a tablet?

  1. Three steps: Open your mouth, put the tablets in. Swallow.

    You can use these helping items: Water/juice/yogurt/milk/piece of food.

  2. You stand on two hands and take a glass of water and a pill with your mouth and drink)

  3. I would advise against swallowing a computing device at all.


    Oh, medication! Water and not overthinking. If I think about it too much, the back of mouth won’t open enough and the pill just stays there. That’s a big problem with tablets in particular since they start disintegrating and usually taste nasty.

  4. Wet your tongue first (drink some water), place the tablet/capsule on the back of your tongue, and gulp down some water making sure it washes the pill back towards the throat.. It should just go down.. Keep drinking the water.

    All the best

  5. What is the problem with swallowing a tablet and how big is it?

    General ideas: drink a little water before so it slides easier. Then you can try swallowing the tablet with some bread or by eating something you like right before. Overall, it’s a trick of the mind.

  6. Seeing as how I’ve beaten the the obvious joke-responses, I’ll offer this:
    I’m assuming you’ve tried swallowing with water, so….my suggestion would be to try yogurt.

  7. I practiced with pieces of banana to get used to the feeling of a forced swallow until it was natural then pills were so much easier

  8. I usually have problems with tablets so here is my suggestion
    First make sure your whole mouth is wet enough
    2nd break it into 2 smaller peices
    3rd make sure to not let the tablet touch your tongue
    Basically between teeth and extra water
    Drink enough water so that it most probably floats in your mouth and while eating the tablet, make sure to put your head in downward direction

  9. I put water in my mouth first, throw the pill into my already filled mouth and swallow. Followed by another drink.

  10. Pull down pants, locate ring (usually hair tells you where), firmly insert into rectum with whole hand. Protip, butter your hand up if this is your first time

  11. Water, throw my head back and in the process swallow. I know it isn’t necessary to be all dramatic about it but its always helped me to swallow pills.

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