Is it common to keep coins in your car?

  1. I usually keep coins of all dominations in cupholders between the two front seats just in case I need them for anything.

  2. I have a small flip down container on my truck dash that I put spare change in exclusively to pay for meter parking downtown.

  3. I’ll keep a few dollars in quarters in case I want to use a vending machine or me EZ pass transponder for toll booths is broken for whatever reason. Any other change in my car is there because it fell out of my pocket.

  4. Relatively common, especially when I get change somewhere.

    My British car has a dedicated spot for it, so this can’t just be an American thing…

  5. I have a change holder in my center console. It is becoming more and more useless. All our tolls are cashless. The meters downtown are pay by card.

    It is really just becoming the “I don’t want change in my pocket” holder.

  6. I used to back when I needed quarters for the car wash or parking meters. Now they take credit cards or app payments.

  7. Yes! Although with cash being less and less common, its probably not AS common as it used to be. I doubt this is a purely american thing tho

  8. We have an ALDI quarter on the dash, but that’s pretty much the only time I *ever* come into contact with coins at all.

  9. Not so much anymore with the advent of electronic tolling and pay-for-parking kiosks.

    Definitely don’t miss buying a roll of tokens for the Garden State Parkway.

  10. I do, probably like 10 bucks in quarters. I also keep about 20 bucks in case of emergency.

  11. I have a bunch of quarters in my car for the carts at ALDI. I’ll give them away if someone doesn’t realize they need one.

  12. Yep. I keep an Aldi quarter and any silver change I come across. We have been caught at rural tollbooths on state highways that don’t have an attendant or a card pay option, so you really have to keep change in your car if you ever drive in a region where tolls are even remotely possible. It often happens when you’re on a road trip and the main interstate gets closed off after an accident or for weather, and your navigation guides you to a smaller road that you weren’t exactly planning on traveling on. I haven’t encountered road tolls in my current region, but I’ve experienced those situations too many times to not just keep some coins in my (older) car’s unused ashtray.

  13. Used to be, but I haven’t done it in forever. Almost nothing asks for coins anymore so I’ve basically just stopped keeping coins with me at all. Once in a blue moon I will run across something that asks for coins (usually some old piece of tech that hasn’t been updated in forever) but that is so infrequent it is easier for me to avoid those things than it is to carry coins.

  14. hubby does….oops i dont think i should have answered…..i never realized it was for American’s

  15. I grew up in NY (Long Island). The tradition was that when someone got a new (or new to them) you would throw a handful of coins in the back for luck.

    I have been living in Michigan for a few years. A while ago a friend from MI got a few car. The first time I was in it I grabbed some change and tossed it into the back without thinking twice about it.

    “WTF?” was his reaction. He had no idea why I did it. He thought it was crazy even after I explained it. After I got a few NY friends to back me up on it, we had a good laugh.

  16. I have a coin holder in the center console of my truck. I mainly keep coins in there so that they aren’t taking up space in my cup holders. There’s no tolls where I live, and tolls in my state are pay-by-plate or ETC only, and I don’t typically park Downtown, so I hardly ever have to pay the parking meter.

  17. I really hate using cash/coins. Let’s say your tab at the diner is $8.40. Now I have $.60 of change that I’ll never use and it’ll eventually get lost in the center console. So really my meal cost me $9 lol.

    To answer your question, yes people still keep change in their car, but I personally hate it

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