Extroverts, how is it like to date an introvert?

  1. best sex I ever had, but it’s a chore to do anything out in public with them. I wanted to take my ex on a surprise picnic date and she asked so many questions that it took away the surprise and forced us to stay inside and do it. I’ve sworn off dating introverts because hanging out at home and napping all the time are not fun at all to me.

  2. I like it. I can do whatever activities I want around the house while she watches TV or something.

  3. My ex was quite an introvert. He could and liked to socialise but most of the time chose not to go out. I was also an introvert like him. Although I grew to be more extroverted and i wanted to go out more and more, not just to socialise but in general. He didn’t want to. So.. we broke it off. But we had great sexual chemistry together, he liked to listen and i talked, so we got that going for us back then

  4. I find many extraverts to be loudmouth attention seekers and greatly annoy me

    Likewise someone who is too introverted to the point they don’t know how to relate to others can be insufferable.

    I think it’s best for people to try to develop aspects of both and be more balanced… comfortable being alone or in a crowd. Not demanding the spotlight, but won’t melt in one either

  5. Just to define… an introvert is not the same as someone with social anxiety or agoraphobia. Introverts can usually handle socializing with small groups, and they even enjoy it with people they know well.

    Put them in a large group, though, and they find the experience exhausting, and will need quiet time to recover.

    Introversion is a normal variation of human behavior, and they are usually more than happy to be that way. Just don’t expect to change them. If they don’t enjoy large gatherings, no amount of exposure to these kinds of events will change that. It will probably only annoy them more.

    Social anxiety, though, is not normal and it causes the person distress. Someone who will not leave their home for a one-on-one date probably has social anxiety or agoraphobia.

    A Refractory Introvert

  6. Is she quiet because she’s mad at me or I’m otherwise in trouble, or is this just one of her times not to talk?

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