most of the people i know went to highschool with me and know how i used to be. i’m still not that good at socialising, but i’m getting better. i used to be in AD ED in highschool because i was diagnosed with autism when i was younger. interestingly enough, i went to a psychiatrist a while ago and talked to him about my experiences, and he said i wasn’t autistic.

Nobody who didn’t know me in highschool would guess it now, they’d probably only think i’m a bit shy or awkward sometimes. But people still treat me like a kid/ or like i’m immature and need help with things.

people used to speak to me in a really patronising tone when i was in AD ED, because they maybe just thought i was dumb lol. I also didn’t help by acting immature, showing up late to class and then blaming it on being ‘lost’. TBH i kind of used my autism as a crutch for when i didn’t hand in work and started failing classes.

I can tell by the way that people i know from uni/college talk to me now that they see me as a regular person. i don’t feel like people are patronising towards me, and that they are just a lot nicer to me in general.

and the people i knew from childhood/ or highschool are better to me now too, but they still say some things that make me think they still see me in that way.

i told one of my friends about the first date i went on and she said she was proud of me. the other one said the same thing too. i know it took me a while, but still it felt a bit patronising. i don’t feel like they’d say that to any of their other friends.

we were also talking about dating apps and i asked about tinder and bumble and my friend said ‘maybe not for you’ and then told me i’d get dick pics as if it’s something i’ve never heard of before.

i think it’d be funny if she knew that i’d sent nudes before and specifically asked for dic pics but whatever lol

i’ve also talked to her about this club that she was going to with her friends and other stuff like that. but when i talked to her about going out or doing something she suggested going to a pop-up bar and bringing our mums as well.

i’m honestly sick of this. even if i was autistic, that doesn’t mean that i’m innocent and dumb and don’t know how the world works. i’m not sure how to get them to realise that i’m a regular person who \*SHOCKER\* is a sexual being and adult!

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