Or something along those lines?

  1. You’d sound smarter if you would shut the fuck up

    Why do I care about your opinion?

    Would you say that to a man?

    All of these work

  2. I give them a blank stare followed by the creepiest smile that I can muster and just say thanks in some demonic ass voice.

  3. Well you’ll never get to see it.
    Well ‘insert tragic excuse here’ so excuse me for not smiling right now.

    The last time someone said ‘smile, it might never happen’ it was just after I lost my grandparents so I said ‘yeah? Well they’re dead so I guess it did happen’

  4. I smile a lot so I’ve never actually had anyone say this to me. Hypothetically I guess in that situation I’d be inclined to go with an eye roll and redirect the convo, but probably the comment would also make me internally self reflect a bit about my level of self discipline when it comes to the energy I’m putting out there in the world. No reason to bring everyone else down just because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

  5. I bare my teeth awkwardly and stare them dead in the eye til they get so uncomfortable they just walk away.

  6. I give em the full gums snaggle toothed shock of their lives until they beg me to go back to looking stoic.

  7. I’ve not said it yet, but I’m waiting, cuz I really wanna say “if you want me to look pretty for you, you have to pay for that”, or just “for $20, sure”.

  8. “And you were more attractive before you opened your mouth, dipshit.” Seriously, does anyone still think that is a compliment?

  9. I give them a HUGE stupid smile. Like so wide that it looks like my mouth wraps around the back of my head. A Pacman + Julia Roberts combo.

  10. I’d smile and they would never do me to again. It’s like chandler from friends when I smile.

  11. I’d agree but point out that at least I’m avoiding wrinkles. So it’ll even out – I’ll be prettier later in life 🤣

  12. I do apologise that my facial expression offends you, have you tried looking anywhere else?

  13. LMAO, I’ve never heard that. Not that I would love to.

    I hope people understand: Compliments don’t count if they’re not timed and placed correctly. It’s just bullshit.

    You never now if that girl could have just lost her job or a relative, or is going through bad times, or had been SA, and you telling her that she needs to smile to be look pretty is only making you an unconsiderate moron.

  14. My dad’s friends were habitual offenders of this. I would also reply “it’s none of your business if I smile or not.” And “aren’t you a little old to be telling a teenage girl she’d be prettier if she smiled. Kinda creepy.” They’d leave me alone.

  15. One time a guy wouldn’t stop asking me to smile so I stopped walking suddenly and faced him, looked at him with a completely deadpan disappointed face, made a huge fake smile, and made the deadpan face again. He apologized, so at least he got it.

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