I’m in high school and there’s this dude in my friendgroup for a few months now and he’s been pissing me off. Hes always throwing small remarks and insults at me also doing small things to annoy me at first I didn’t care but it’s been 5 months and this dude is doing these things everyday. The small things add up and Ive had enough, I’m so close to punching him in the face especially since he thinks he’s better then me and thinks he can take me even though he has no chance. I know Thats not the right option because it’ll seem out of nowhere but I’m fed up with this, talking to him won’t work so that’s not an option. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. Start by staying away from him. Sure, he’s in your friends group, but if you talk to your friends, I bet you’ll find that you’re not the only one annoyed by his behavior, and that at least some of them will support you in ousting him. The ones who don’t, don’t really want to be your friend anymore, and that’s just how it goes.

    Do not assault this person. He’s living rent-free in your head right now, and escalating it will only make the consequences worse, and IRL.

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