Heard this one at work today, clearly it’s a “get away from me” idiom. But is it more “get away from me and acquire real world experience” or “get away from me and don’t do anything of consequence”

  1. I’ve never heard “touch grass” before. It’s generally used to mean “go fly a kite.” As in, you have no options here, I can’t help you and moreover I don’t want to, you need to figure your shit out yourself.

  2. It’s closer to “go fuck yourself”. There is no “and” involved. Just fuck off

  3. Closer to go fly a kite. Like… get out of here with that shit.

    Touch grass implies you need to get off the internet and live in the real world.

  4. It’s more like go fly a kite. Means the same as go kick rocks. Fuck out of my face and go do something fitting of a dumbass like yourself.

    Touch grass means “go outside you fucking dweeb”

  5. More of a go away than alter your perception. Not at all a ‘touch grass’.

  6. Of those two, it’s closer to “go fly a kite.”

    More specifically, it sort of means that whatever they’re trying to accomplish is so futile that they might as well be trying to beat up a beach, so they should just stop trying.

  7. I’ve always viewed it as a “Go be pointless somewhere away from me.”

    If you literally go pound sand, you will find that every time a “hole” is “dug,” it just refills itself – due to how sand works. So the action is pointless.

  8. It is “Leave Now” akin to “Go Fuck Yourself” but more work appropriate. “Go Fly a Kite” can have that connotation too, though sounds very British. “Touch Grass” has no “Get away from me” vibe at all, it is just an implication that you need to calm down and get in touch with reality.

  9. I always figured it was more like “go away” and/or “go bother someone else”, but the replies in this thread make me wonder if I’ve been wildly misunderstanding the phrase my whole life

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