Looks and body type aside, what do you look for in your perfect partner?

  1. I’m desperate to find someone who doesn’t hate on people who are less fortunate than them. It’s proving impossible.

    relatedly, someone who isn’t ragingly insecure about everything in their life would also be nice, but seems impossible to find.

  2. A sense of humor. Not necessarily funny. Can appreciate dry or witty humor. Can recognize and appreciate satire * see Smart below

    Not a clean freak

    Can act spontaneously from time to time.

    Not afraid to try new things

    Smart. Don’t have to explain the movie as it progresses. Can read a map and knows where to find Colorado on a map.

  3. Smart, kind, sense of humor, funny, and most importantly, she always wants me to improve as a person, not because I need to, but because she wants me to…or something like that

  4. Just that ineffable “our personalities vibe with each other.”

    There are very few people who I can be around for days on end without getting annoyed.

  5. Someone who’s ready to put equal effort into the relationship. Looks and body type don’t matter that much to begin with.

  6. Loyalty. What makes a relationship work is your commitment and loyalty and there’s nothing more attractive than a woman who’s willing to stick through all the tough times with you despite all the temptations she might have.

  7. There is an awful lot of “Frequently Asked Questions” happening today over a few hours time.

    Is something special happening today?

  8. All the regular stuff, loyal, cute, fun, active, engaging, horny, likes the stuff I do. Then the real difficult stuff. I live on a sailboat and cruise the US east Coast to the Caribbean. Willing to do that, diesel mechanic skills, marine electronics skills, ability to improvise, happy to go up the mast, able to shower in 1.5 gallons of water, fish butchering, celestial navigation, etc.. So, I’m single AF.

  9. If her looks and body type are entirely unappealing to me, there is nothing about her personality that can make up the difference. Friends, no doubt, but as a romantic partner, I have to be attracted to her also. Sorry I’m blunt.

    Assuming I am attracted to her physically, the dichotomy of empathy and a dark, sarcastic sense of humor is appealing to me. But that is just me, not all men.

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