Hi I’m 18M Virgin and recently I matched with this girl on tinder and long story short she’s just looking for sex. However while I find her body attractive im not really attracted at all to her face. Should I go through with it or will this ruin my sexual life?

  1. What’s more importent to you? The body or the face?
    There is your simple answer. Also, i’m M29 and also virgin.

  2. I had sex yesterday with someone i wasn’t really attracted to, i just went in for the “sex” but i couldn’t perform all that well and I’m still thinking about it so like learn something from my experience ig

  3. Go for it! Your 18, most ppl don’t or didn’t love everyone they had sex with. Just think of it as practice for when you find that person you’re totally attracted to.

  4. I mean as long as you stay safe, why not? If she just wants to have sex, you can use this opportunity to gain some experience and she can get what she wants. Ultimately I see it as a win win. You don’t have to like all of her because she’s already established it’s just to fuck. Then again, if you want your first time to be more meaningful, I wouldn’t do it and would wait until you meet someone you actually go on a date with and like. It’s up to you. If you want to just have sex and gain experience, go for it, if you want it to be more meaningful tho, I wouldn’t. Either way, use protection.

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