TLDR: Having doubts/wanting to date, not sure how to proceed

My fiancé and I got engaged last spring dating for about 8 years (since we were like 19-20 yrs old). We bought a place and moved in together shortly after, been getting along well. For the last couple of months I have been having doubts about our relationship and have had persistent desires to see/connect with other women.

Recently went out of town for a business trip and had a very strong connection with a woman I met there. We went for drinks/dinner/to her place and nothing really happened but our conversation was extremely exciting and since I got back I can’t stop thinking about her/my desire to date.

Obviously I don’t want to hurt her and I guess my main concern is that this feeling won’t go away and getting married then deciding to break it off will be much worse for both of us. My family loves her, I am worried they will be upset with me if I break it off.

I would really love some advice about how to think through my options

  1. Why would you go out with her ? Why would you go to her house ? Why would you choose to spend time with this woman ? Everything you did was wrong.

    I’m sure your “fiancé” would not approve of anything you did on your “business” trip.

    Did the woman even know you were engaged ?

    I’m sorry but You set yourself up.

    Obviously you’re not ready for marriage and you should tell your fiancé truth about what lead you to this decision cause I’m sure she’ll end it for you.

    Please tell me that “friendship” ended and you’re not still communicating with other woman ? If you are definitely break up with your fiancé.

    IMO you should seek therapy and marriage counseling cause obviously you have some unresolved feelings that need to be dealt with before you even think about marriage.

  2. didn’t you get advice in the other sub about how you already cheated on your fiancé and might as well break up with her but don’t go crying when it’s not all it’s cracked up to be

  3. End it. It sounds like you really enjoyed your date the other night, but when you decided to go back to her place, that was the point you decided you valued this more than your relationship. Don’t drag it out any longer. Don’t try to fake your way through a marriage.

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