I(M30) have been seeing someone (F33) for around 3 years now. Our relationship has been on and off the whole time. It has been official a few times. When its not, I am always just her friend. Her friend that stays the night and sleeps in the same bed and has copious amounts of sex with.

When we are on, we click… we laugh at the same shit, politically we line up, we NEVER fight. I mean NEVER.

We will be doing couple shit, getting closer. And just when you think its real, like really feeling something.


Only to come back 3 months later and we pick back up.

I hate that we get along so well. I hate that we have fun together. I hate that she shags like a minx. I hate that she makes me feel confident as a man when im with her. I hate that all her friends say things about us being such a cute couple.

I have tried to talk to her about it and she has made it clear that she has trust issues and commitment issues. I want to respect that.

I just dont know what to do. There is too much to type to describe the relationship, but thats the jist of it.

I really care for this woman and want to make something of this but i feel like im being strung along. And to be honest as im typing this out… its pretty obvious what i need to do… maybe i just need to hear it from an anonymous source.

  1. There will be times in life when you need support and someone flaky like this woman isn’t gonna be the sort of person to be there with you to pick up the pieces. Ghosting might be forgiven the first time but once it happened a second time you need to be cutting your loses

  2. Perhaps try some sort of couples counciling? I mean this could work but only I both of you are willing try.

  3. Dude I’ve done this exact same thing with my ex for 3 years off and on. Everytime you get back they devalue you more and more. You have to make a stand and say were either doing this all in or not. It will just drain you mentally if you don’t. Know your worth and what you deserve

  4. > I(M30) have been seeing someone (F33) for around 3 years now.

    That’s a long time!


    >When its not, I am always just her friend. Her friend that stays the night and sleeps in the same bed and has copious amounts of sex with.


    With friends like these, who needs relationships?


    >I really care for this woman and want to make something of this but i feel like im being strung along.

    Yeah she seems to treat you like a sex toy.

    I suppose there are worse fates.

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