What is something you realised after living with other women?

  1. When I was I college, I realized that most women were uncomfortable with their sexuality or at least raised to be ashamed of it.

  2. Some women are ok with living like pigs. Most women I have lived with are always pretty clean and tidy like myself. I had one roomate though that was ok with having moldy dishes in her room. She would leave used period pads on the bathroom floor. Never cleaned up her pots or pans in the kitchen. Would have multiple animals because she worked at Petsmart and would bring home surrendered animals.

  3. Most of the women I lived with in college were financially supported by their parents or family. If I was lucky I would get $20.

  4. Our bathroom was always full because everyone had their face creams, makeup, body lotion, hair products etc there.

  5. That lots of women really have a sort of learned helplessness. Their first instinct is to get help, rather than work out how to do it themselves… also learnt there’s a lot of people that LOVE helping them.

    I think I was pretty much raised gender neutral… before that was a thing. So the women being damsels in distress was really jarring, especially because they were all about women’s rights and equality but would then get the nearest man to help them open a window or change a light bulb… without even asking the other women in the house if they had any tips or experience.

    It’s wild the gender stuff that’s deeply ingrained in a person without conscious thought attached.


    And that once comfortable enough they can be as gross as men rofl

  7. Women are gross… and pretty horrible (at least those specific ones were).

    My brother’s male roommates were clean and great.

  8. The average woman might be tidier than the average man, but the ones that are gross are really, really gross. Filthy, splatters of period blood around, etc.

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