Last semester I took a public speaking class and it completely gave me the confidence I have today. At first, I hated the class (partly because I actually had to buy the textbook and there was a lot of work) but mostly because within the first 2 days I had to give speeches in front of the class. When I heard my name called I would start sweating and my heart would start racing, I was so scared to talk in front of people even though if it was just a small group I would be fine.


There were only around 20 people in the class but that was enough to make me sweat. By the end of the semester though, I had so much confidence in front of them and I still only knew half of them. I could maintain eye contact (or at least fake eye contact) and I spoke slowly, and clearly, and was even able to get some jokes out during my speeches that got some laughs.


I can’t tell you how easy it is to talk one-on-one with a person after having experiences like that. I can go to the bars and talk to anyone and make them laugh etc like it’s nothing. All it takes is practice. If you are in college, take a public speaking course, if you aren’t in college, go get out there and do something that puts you in the spotlight and practice. You will suck and you will hate it for a little bit, but that nervousness goes away much quicker than you think it does!

  1. Yes, public speaking is highly recommended for the socially anxious. Since even normal people may have a public speaking fear, crossing this barrier gives so much confidence and experience for us.

  2. My experience was exactly like this last semester I took a class too and let me tell you whenever I was presenting at first I would start shaking and my heart would start racing like crazy but I guess practice does make it better right because by the time the course was done I was so much better at communicating with ppl.

  3. This is awesome to read, well done. Exposure does seem to be the way forward and the sooner we get on board the better. How did the public speaking course work? Could you speak on a subject of your choice?

  4. Been in a Toastmasters club for 2 years. I’d highly recommend public speaking to everyone, especially for those that think “hell no”.

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