When you go to sambucas for a birthday they always have you have a shot of sambuca. I hate sambuca. It’s terrible. Is this a ploy by the sambuca industry to avoid financial troubles?

  1. I like Sambucca.

    Couldn’t drink it all night, gets a bit sickly. But I enjoy it now and then

  2. You go to a place named after a type of alcohol and are surprised that they push sales of that specific alcohol? Might want to have a hard think there…

    But yes, people who like liquorice and/or aniseed flavours are more predisposed towards like sambuca than those who don’t. Same with Pernod and ouzo, which are also flavoured with anise. If you’re a fan of that flavour profile, you’re not going to like sambuca.

    Personally my preference is for the pink variant.

  3. I do enjoy Sambuca, but I cannot shot Tequila at all. I went to my mates Uni and his flatmate would drink Tequila straight all night, so I stupidly joined him in having a fair few shots back to back. Ever since the smell makes me heave and as soon as it touches my stomach it comes straight back up. The few times I’ve been peer pressured to try it, I just vommit within a couple of minutes

  4. My gran used to drink it from a shot glass in sips. She was surprised when I took it like a shot.

  5. I fucking *love* sambuca, especially black sambuca. I’m always the first one to scream, “shots!” on a night out and my go-to is black sambuca. I do love aniseed in general though (when I was a kid and was given 20p for a mix up I’d come back with a bag of aniseed balls instead).

  6. I hate it. But I hate anything “aniseedy”. Sambuca, ouzo, licorice, anything with that taste.

    Having said that, in my youth I was easily persuaded to knock back a flaming sambuca. The first time I did it I was surprised it was hot. Who knew a drink on fire would be hot?! I was so surprised I couldn’t swallow it and I ended up with, so my witnesses say, jets of flaming sambuca shooting from my nose.

  7. Love it, I’d easily get through a bottle a day. It’s super smooth and goes really well with cranberry juice.

  8. I like aniseed drinks.

    I drink pernod and black a fair amount. Not a lady either but I daresay it might open me legs if I have enough

    Sambuca is tasty

  9. The black one is actually quite tasty. Granted it’s hardly something I’m going to order often, but on those very rare occasions I have, it’s good.

  10. Yes. I love it, especially when I was a teen. Remember being 18 and buying a whole bottle and passing out in my mates car.

  11. They have done remarkably well out of a drink which at a guess was mostly drunk by ageing European men as a digestif. In another reality young people could be going out on the town downing shots of Grand Marnier or Madeira or something. Sambucca is very sweet which appeals to people, and some get off in a weird way on how horrible it is if they dislike aniseed.

  12. Hate it, but I’m not a fan of liquorice flavours so putting that with alcohol is just disgusting to me.

  13. >Is this a ploy by the sambuca industry to avoid financial troubles?


    I used to drink sambuca by the bottle, these days I can barely do a shot of it

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