I F22 have been with my bf M24 for almost 4 years. During this time, I have always been very in love and optimistic about our relationship.

About 2 years ago, we went through a rough patch where we almost ended, but we worked through our issues and came to a much better place with significantly better communication. These issues were nothing unsolvable or major, but mostly came from his end.

Since then, he has been an amazing partner. Especially the last 6 months, I couldn’t imagine someone treating me as well or being as thoughtful. But for whatever reason, I don’t feel as strongly as I used to. I recognize his amazing qualities and want to spend my life with him, but I just don’t look forward to seeing him the way I used to.

Any of my concrete doubts, I have been able to talk through and he is 100% willing to work on, but lately I just have this general sense of doubt and lack of affection.

Can I get these feelings back? What can I do to stop the doubts in my mind?

TL;DR: Despite my partner being practically perfect, I’m losing feelings. How do I get them back?

  1. doubt of what? affection is an indirect result of your choices, so really its your choice. If you choose to spend more time bonding with him, your affection will increase. If you are worried about not maintaining “love” forget about that, you haven’t met true love yet. You will when its born. For now what you have and what you mistake for love is a combination of edorphins and infatuation, which is hard to maintain at 100% all the time.

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