I’m in high school a male and 16, and talking to people has seemed to get harder! I can’t hold a conversation even with the people that I have talked to before, I want to and it’s upsetting when I genuinely want to talk to a person and I have nothing to talk about. I am also alone! I don’t have people that I look forward to seeing everyday, when I come home nobody texts me! I always find myself initiating conversations but there are not those who do the same, I know it seems selfish to think that people have time to make an effort to talk to me, but I cannot help but feel this way. I don’t know why but it’s like I lost my sense of humor, and social skills? I feel like a robot when I speak to people, and i feel that I don’t mesh well with anyone or I try too hard.

  1. maybe u haven’t found the right person where u can just talk about anything.. i know it sucks

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