Classic scenario, I sit next to her during the class, talked some chit chat to build raport and at the end asked her out (I know, too fast, but it was the last class before I’d never see her again). She agreed, but hinted she’s busy with her finals atm and doesn’t know when she’d be free. I know it just could have been a polite way of telling me to fck off, but got the digitz rather easy anyway.

Should I now start texting her simple messages in the days to come and build some kind of “connection” or just go with a direct attempt at asking when is she free to meet up?

  1. Just remember this,

    don’t act too needy at any point in the conversation. Always sound like you got something important going on and make sure she knows that your time is not for granted.

  2. Yeah few texts back and forth is fine, never double text, ask her whats her schedule like, say something like “hey, let’s meet for a coffee, I’ll be happy to see you, when are you free?”
    If she doesn’t know her schedule, assume low interest and move on.
    Best of luck man.

  3. Start off by asking something about school / the class you have – that’s an easy and guaranteed connection. Don’t bombard her with texts, wait a little to respond, etc. If she’s not really responding with much substance, then just let it go.

  4. Maybe try texting her about her finals or something school related. Ease into the whole meet up thing until she’s comfortable. If she gave you her number you should be good to go

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