So I met this girl through a friend during a party, we hit it off right away and decided to hang out more often and I took her out on multiple dates. We spoke and I let her know I was not looking for anything serious and that only time will tell what will happen between us. I truly enjoyed her company and I was catching feelings for her, but I felt she was moving too fast for me and was trying really hard to be in a relationship with me after I told her I wasn’t looking for that at the moment. After the second week of hanging out I just stopped texting her. It’s been five days and she hasn’t reached out and I haven’t reached out. I want to reach out but I feel at this point there’s no point. Any advice?

  1. Well, what is it that you want? It seems she wants a relationship and you don’t, so if that hasn’t changed then why are you gonna bother her?

  2. Just talk to her, be honest. Let her know you felt like it was moving too fast and reiterate you are not looking for a relationship but you do enjoy spending time with her. If you don’t say, you don’t get.

  3. Honestly, in most circumstances, to me ghosting is a mark of an emotionally immature coward.

    If you give reaching out a shot, try your best not to make her feel like a second choice or a plan b

  4. Are you considering a relationship? If so, definitely reach out.

    If not, still reach out to apologize and reiterate that you are not interested in a relationship but be prepared for her to set boundaries and stand her ground. In fact, I would encourage you to give her the opportunity to do so. Ghosting her fucked with her psyche and that’s fucked up, at least right a wrong by reaching out and apologizing.

  5. You going to feel this for a long time. If you feel like talking with her talk to her eat some pie and call her apologize for dipping out like that but you got spooked. You can end it there or take a step. Take a step just date not Girlfriend her. Your human aloud to have feelings.

    Don’t ghost people it not cool, where supposed to help each other not hurt each other.

  6. It’s only been 5 days. Work out exactly what you want and get in touch with her either way.

  7. The decent thing to do is to reach out but first decide what you want. If you want to continue then be vulnerable and explain to her what you explained to us. If you’re done then say you enjoyed the time you shared but no longer wish to see her. Good luck!

  8. I think you should text her and let her know how you feel. She’ll either ghost you or text u back. If she ghost you don’t go chasing her.

  9. Call her up. No weak texting shit. If you want to clear the air, tell her how you feel, what you need and how you’re interpretting her actions. There is NO SUBSTITUTE for clear and open communication. She may think she’s doing a good job of meeting your expectations, but people self-decieve all the time. It’s human nature, not her fault necessarily.

  10. I have to ask, has she texted you and you didn’t reply? Or did neither of you reach out to each other. The latter isn’t ghosting and you can always just text her and say you’re sorry it’s taken so long to message, you’ve been flat out. And that would be absolutely fine. If you didn’t reply to one or more of her messages, you’re going to need to grovel.

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