I’m a 22 year old Male. Im not a big guy. Probably even slightly underweight I think Im 145 at 5’10”. Anyways, this was maybe a year ago we let a new guy into our friend group. For some reason he had such a boner for picking on me. Now before I get to it I’ll mention the positives. He always had my back when we were out at bars and what not, always called to have me included, always wanted to talk when he knew there was trouble between us. Now the negatives, he would constantly just pick, constantly tell me how rich I was growing up and how he had nothing and how I’m a little rich white kid. He would start fights with almost anyone in our group when he would get drunk. It wasn’t always just me but it was mostly me. He would constantly want to box for no reason, he once got very drunk and put a knife up to my leg. Now this may sound like dudes messing around but for one, I barely knew this dude and two, he was holding it there a pressing it a bit too long. Another time he burnt the end of a cig on my leg cause he thought it was funny. There was a big night where I had a bunch of friends over and he and one of our other buddies got into a physical fight. Afterwards he was very disrespectful trying to invite random people over to my house, saying “this is my house now.” I eventually kicked him out and made him sleep in his car or drive home I didn’t gaf anymore. Well now my friend group is trying to get him back in and this guy made my life hell. I felt like I couldn’t be me when he was around. He’s a very sketchy guy too apparently when I kicked him out he was sitting in his car crying with his gun and clip next to him. Very weird vibes before I even knew him too. Im not sure exactly what to do

1 comment
  1. Keep your distance from him, he sounds dangerous and toxic af. From the outside looking in, he has issues and is using you as an outlet for those issues. I understand he feels a certain way because of his lower socioeconomic status in society, and feels a certain type of way because of his own problems and some difficulties which probably come from some struggles from his upbringing, but still, from the outside looking in, this dude is super crazy as hell. Also, besides being super disrespectful, he’s just insane and is toxic not only for you, but your friends and their safety, considering his bad habits and constant physical altercations. He seems toxic to be around other people and you should remind people how his actions were, and how they were unacceptable and how he’s been acting, and ask people would they constantly want to deal with that.

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